Insight into the life of an ambivert...

One night she would decide to party hard and paint the town red, while on some other distant night she would cuddle up in her bed with some warm tea and read her favorite novel. This world decided two different categories for her either an extrovert or an introvert, but she did not fit in any and decided to create her own world, where she could be herself and could do whatever she liked.

She was like the chameleon, adapting herself according to the environment, she was the life of the party and at the same time most engrossed person at the book club. She always had the most perfect weekends, full of life, enjoying the sun at the beach playing volleyball with friends and beating the shit out of everyone, suddenly complaining about the sunburn and hiding into her little shell deep into the night with her warm tea and novel.

She was like the ferry wheel sometimes on top of the world enjoying the view, sometimes low enough where no one could see her, sometimes stuck in the middle thinking about life or stupidly wondering what if Doraemon was real!

She was not the best or the worst human being on earth, she did mistakes, tried to learn, and move on. The world needs more people like her who on some days can blend like foundation on a moisturized skin, and make the skin glow silently, while on others stand out like the bold lipstick manifesting confidence.


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