Fe (Iron) Male (Man), I AM IRONMAN!!

28 May, on this day of "Menstrual Hygiene Day", let's TALK about menstruation, yeah talk, because talking about "it" is the first and foremost step towards breaking stereotypes!

Image Credits : Centre for Health Solutions Kenya | Centre for Health Solutions - Kenya (CHS)

Periods have a million euphemisms to describe them without actually saying it, you know what I mean!! Oh, definitely that is the whole purpose of it, isn't it!? I am listing down a few, you tell me what do you call "them"-

a) Chumps (I mean why? I don't understand)
b) That time of the month (makes sense but unnecessary wastage of words, when periods is enough) 
c) Aunt Flow (Oh hi aunt, long time no see since a month!)
d) Shark week (Thank all the gods, I am not bitten by a shark monthly!)
e) Red Wedding (Fortunately, The Lannisters don't send their regards every month!!!)  

We need to understand that "I am on my periods" is not too hard to say. TRY NEXT TIME!!

What is menstruation? 

Menstruation is a sign of a healthy woman who is capable of procreating and so you should not be embarrassed about it. The uterus (an organ for conceiving of a newborn) prepares itself every month for a newborn or a fertilized egg. The preparation happens by thickening of the walls of uterus providing it with an extra layer of blood vessels and tissues. When an egg does not fertilize or in simple terms a newborn is not conceived, the wall simply breaks down resulting in bleeding. This is a basic natural biological process and there is no question of impurity or purity in this! 

Image credits:- WEMA life

Since we are clear on the concept of what is menstruation? Now let's talk about some stigmas and explanations attached to it.

  • Women should not be allowed in the kitchen, because whatever they touch, rots.

I disagree with the explanation but I kind of agree with the myth. Reasons being another explanation I heard from somewhere else. That says women toil in the kitchen for a whole long month cooking food for the entire family and other things, they should rest for at least the 4-5 days that they get. Fair enough!?

  • Women should not bath for the first 2-3 days, because the water gets polluted.

In older times, women used to bathe and wash clothes in open flowing streams. However, still does not makes sense if we take into consideration the plastic pollution caused in Ganges, and the trash spat out by the oceans on the beaches of Mumbai everyday. Women should bathe every single day, keep themselves clean, prevent infections and take care of themselves.

  • Women should not eat cold foods or sour food, because it stops menstruation.

Here also, I agree with the concept because cold foods such as ice creams and cold water tense up the muscles of uterus and vagina causing inflammation which further causes cramping. So, why unnecessarily increase the discomfort? However, consuming cold foods never stops the flow.

  • Women should not exercise on periods, because it is not safe.

On the contrary, light exercise actually increases the oxygen supply in the body, therefore improving the blood circulation in the abdominal area and thus relieving you of the menstrual cramps. A long walk in parks helps, taking in the fresh air also acts as a mood booster.

There are endless myths to bust, a long road ahead but a small step towards the change still counts. 

Image credits: tintedblu

"One sheds the blood to protect the world,
The other sheds the blood to generate the world,
Both are warriors,
one at borders and other at beds!"
-Sheetal Arora

Women, you need to understand that periods are not something to be ashamed of. You are bleeding and you should be proud of that because you have the ability to continue this world. The menstrual pain and the expensive menstrual hygiene products are enough for the misery, do not add the societal silence and shame to the discomfort.

We are the IRONMEN of this world, more power to us!

Keep the conversation going.


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