Smartphone, a well-known frienemy

In today's modern technological-advanced world, most of us are slaves to our smartphones, and the most amusing part is we don't realize it. Let us have a reality check and bring out the effect of smartphones on our life. Earlier, in simpler times, we used to be the ones controlling our phones, but now the situations have been reversed. We get those little panic attacks in the morning if we do not find our phones on our bedsides. We have come so far from the generation of landlines to the generation of snap streaks. Those of you who are still unaware, snap streak is keeping count of how many days you have snapchatted with your friend, that apparently describes the depth of your friendship.

Stress, an uninvited guest

A lot of teenagers and young millennials today deal with stress, unknowingly. One of the root causes of this problem is that little electronic device in our pockets. Constant checking of phones for messages leads to various different kinds of doubts in yourself.

Cyber-bullying, an unknown stranger

Cyber-bullying is not a well-known concept to the adults in this century. However, many teenagers are victims of cyber-bullying and do not tell their parents. Fat-shamming is a huge problem for some kids and it also hampers their well-being. 

World of Knowledge

Though smartphones have loads of negative effects, it also provides us with a world full of knowledge with a single click. You got some weird questions about some scientific phenomenon? rather than thinking it is stupid, you can simply search the answer in few seconds. Earlier, in old times people used to flip through heavy books to find a simple answer. 

Diverse tasks, one solution

Smartphones are like one stop shop for everything. You need to calculate your budget, there you have the calculator in your hand. Thinking about clicking pictures, say hello to 18 mp rear camera. Oh, and wondering some music could add some spark to your boring life, why get up and switch on the radio when you can open your music player with a single touch.

Thus, to conclude I would like to say smartphones are very helpful, though the key is to use them wisely. They can make your time productive by helping you or just keep you busy or maybe, in fact, waste your time. Therefore, time to come back to reality, leave the virtual world where it should be and make most out of your smartphones. 


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